Central Methodist Child Center strives to provide your family with the best child care services for the best value. We offer a strong educational program that delivers high-quality teachers and a carefully-designed curriculum for every age group in our school. Our rates are competitive with other high-quality child care programs in our area and if you would like specific tuition rates, please contact us for more details.
FULL TIME CARE: center opens 7:15 – 5:30
Five Days………………………………………………$145.00 PER WEEK
Three Days (MWF)....................................$93.00 PER WEEK
PRESCHOOL PROGRAM (8:15 – 11:30)
FIVE MORNINGS...................................…..$230.00 PER MONTH
THREE MORNINGS……….…………………..…… $170.00 PER MONTH
TWO MORNINGS…………..…………......………$130.00 PER MONTH